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What a rocking album of didgeridoo playing and hang drum!
Beautifully done from start to finish, this is a must-have for the didgeridoo and hang drum lover.
Percussive, upbeat didgeridoo played at its best, coupled with the sweet melodies of the hang drum.
Add this album to your collection today!
1. "LA" Vibrations
2. Katling
3. Ghost Train
4. Sherwood
5. Chaotian
6. Hang Duo
7. Luna
8. Godzilla
9 Chope
Watch Zalem play live...
What a rocking album of didgeridoo playing and hang drum!
Beautifully done from start to finish, this is a must-have for the didgeridoo and hang drum lover.
Percussive, upbeat didgeridoo played at its best, coupled with the sweet melodies of the hang drum.
Add this album to your collection today!
1. "LA" Vibrations
2. Katling
3. Ghost Train
4. Sherwood
5. Chaotian
6. Hang Duo
7. Luna
8. Godzilla
9 Chope
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Interview with Zalem...Watch Zalem play live...
Aboriginal-Didgeridoo Music MP3 Audio Download
2 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Wadhom (Zalem) 'Didgeridoo Hang Drum Live'
... breath ... music ... Very good, I was very pleased
me estoy iniciando en este mundo y este y es impresionante comotoca el didg. ojala llegara yo a tocar alguna vez como el o aunque solo fuera parecido. IIIIIIImpresiooooonanteeeeeeeeeeeeeee